a cappella Masterclass

a cappella Masterclass

10. May 2024 – 10:00

In the a cappella Masterclass, the young ensembles taking part in the 14th International a cappella Contest will have a chance to refine their skills under the guidance of a seasoned a cappella singer and coach. They’ll focus on aspects such as repertoire, technique, stage presence, and more. The Masterclass will be conducted by Stephen Connolly, a member of the legendary King’s Singers for over two decades and the founder of the International A Cappella School. His expertise, wit and invaluable experience will steer these young ensembles on a fruitful journey. Open to the public, the a cappella Masterclass not only benefits the participating groups, but also offers the audience a unique opportunity to observe and learn from these intensive training sessions. It’s a stimulating, fascinating deep dive into a cappella work!

Active participation only for Contest entrants

Open to spectators, admission free